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Animated Wallpaper Maker

Halo sobat blogger , tentunya bosan dong kalo tampilan desktop anda cuman itu-itu doang gag ada animasinya .
Maka dari itu saya memberikan solusinya yaitu dengan aplikasi Animated Wallpaper Maker . Aplikasi ini memungkinkan sobat memberikan tampilan animasi yang menarik pada desktop sobat


Free to try. Just download and install our trial version. No fee, no registration needed. Evaluate animated wallpapers on your desktop right now!
Realistic live animation effects. Animated Wallpaper Maker uses up-to-date computer graphic effects for the best picture quality.
Low resource requirements. Our software was designed to work jointly with office and home software without slowing it down.
Wallpaper slideshow mode. Animated Wallpaper Maker can operate as wallpaper changer with a smooth fade in/fade out effect.
Windows XP/Vista/7 support. Animated wallpapers work correctly in Windows 7, XP, and Vista.
Instant support.. All registered users are provided with priority technical support. Feel free to contact us with any software-related questions.

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1 Komentar untuk "Animated Wallpaper Maker"

Wah tampilannya pastinya lebih keren tuh

blogwalking nih, lam kenal yaa :)


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